Eco Drop Car Wash
Our Vision
Eco Drop Car Wash is dedicated to local water conservation through a socially responsible business model. We prioritize adding value to society by offering services that benefit our customers, brand partners, and the broader community.
Eco Drop Purpose & Mission
North Texas Water Conservation
Our approach integrates unique marketing opportunities for local brands into our mobile, waterless car wash services. This collaboration aims to enhance environmental awareness in the Dallas area.
Our intentional actions co-create a culture of shared prosperity, embracing our interconnectedness as a key part of a larger network.
We exist in order to practice & promote water conservation in North Texas. Our mobile waterless wash service provides 40-200 gallons of water conservation (demand reduction) compared to traditional wash methods.
Overstanding the far-reaching consequences of our actions lays the framework for providing social benefit without capitalizing on each other or our natural environment.
By combining classic wash-by-hand techniques with spray-on, wipe off cleaning technology we ensure every inch of your car is thoroughly, carefully, & beautifully cleaned.
The utilization of waterless car wash tech provides, on average, 40 gallons of water demand reduction (conservation) when compared to traditional car cleaning methods.
In Our Mind
Clear Water Conservation Vision
Can a complex problem have simple solutions? Integrating sustainable practices into everyday behaviors can significantly impact water conservation. When adopted at the community or city-wide level, the benefits are invaluable. We desire cleaner cars, require water, and imagine a future with plenty of each. So we’re here with you co-creating this world of abundance simply because we believe that we Ought to.
North Texas Water Conservation
Waterless Car Wash Potential Impact
Dallas, Texas water data can be used to demonstrate how much of an impact it would have if we were to strictly utilize waterless car washing instead of traditional methods of car cleaning.
Strategy & Solution
Tap any ➕ symbol below to reveal infomation
Water Understanding
Water We Need vs. Water We Have
Dallas Water User Group (TWDB)
Projections by the Texas Water Development Board show a 50% population increase for Dallas by 2070. This implies a 50% rise in water demand, as all humans require roughly the same amount of water to survive.
If water needs aren’t met, it can cause a cascading effect on the economy and society, as illustrated by the graph below.
Region C Economic Impact Data (TWDB)
We have taken our water supply for granted for too long. Now, we must act to prevent future generations from suffering due to our inaction.
Thankfully, Eco Drop Car Wash provides a way to contribute to water conservation. Read on to learn how we are all part of the solution.
Water Planning
Texas Water Development Board
The Texas Water Development Board provides projections for population growth, water demands, existing watersupplies, potential shortages, and strategy supplies for the next 50 years. This data is grouped into decades and measured in acre-feet per year (one acre-foot equals 325,853 gallons).
Eco Drop Car Wash and other waterless car washes play a crucial role in meeting these needs by offering water-conservative services. This strategy type is one of many that can address projected water shortages.
This information is published every 5 years by TWDB in the Texas State Water Plan. You can find an interactive version of the most recent 2022 Texas State Water Plan.
Water Strategy
DWUG 2020-2030 Strategy Supplies Breakdown
Although we have multiple strategies to address future water shortages, the primary strategy is demand reduction, which constituted 100% of the 2020 strategy. Demand reduction means not using water where it would have otherwise been used.
Municipal ordinances, like lawn watering restrictions, are one method. Another example is using a more conservative service method for car washing. One Eco Drop Car Wash waterless service equals a reduction of 40-200 gallons of water use.
In 2020-2030 decade, demand reduction strategy supplies amount to 17,663 acre-feet per year. This means Dallas, Texas must save 5.8 billion gallons (17,633 acre-feet X 325,853) of water annually through 2030.
*remember 17,663 per year
In other words
We must conserve 5.8 Billion gallons of water every year to meet our needs.
Example: Instead of using water to wash your car, you choose a waterless car wash, saving over 40 gallons just this one time. So you DID NOT USE 40 + gallons of Dallas water!
There’s nothing complicated here ya’ll. We either become more efficient with our water consumption as individuals or we simply fail at executing our water strategy.
Not easy, but simple.
Water Why
Practice & Promote Water Conservation in Dallas, Texas
The numbers above reflect the potential water savings if all car washes in Dallas became waterless. This one common activity could save 5.6 billion gallons of water per year which represents an impactful change and a goal worthy of our pursuit.
17,270 acre-feet/year (water conservation with waterless)
of 17,663 acre-feet/year (strategy supplies)
is 97.78% of our water needs yearly
All of this without having to reduce or remove the ability to clean our cars, contaminate any of our water supply, or further pollute our planet.
This simple & clear Dallas, Texas VISION is the reason (why) for our Eco Drop Car Wash Water Conservation Mission.
In Our Heart
Burns A Fire
We love the feeling of a clean, fresh ride, but it’s even better when done for a higher purpose. Our hearts are dead-set on making Earth better for future generations. That’s why we’re so passionate about water conservation. Cleaner cars, cleaner waters, & cleaner consciences all coexist actualizes as we behave intentionally.